Pet Suitability

Is This an Option for My Pet?
Not sure if your pet is suitable for prosthetic or orthotic management?

We understand some cases are very complex and have had many forms of management.

So before travelling or seeking a referral we can provide some advice of how we can help. Fill out our form and we’ll make an initial assessment of your pet’s suitability for our services.

This is a good option for interstate clients, complex cases, veterinarians or other animal health care providers or just wanting to explore options.

Please include the following media to assist us in assessing your pet:
A referral from your vet or clinical summary (if you have one):

A photo of the affected limb from the front:
Allowed File Types: jpg, png | Max file size: 2MB

A photo of the affected limb from the side:
Allowed File Types: jpg, png | Max file size: 2MB

A video of your pet walking towards the camera:
Allowed File Types: mp4/mov | Max file size: 5MB

A video of your pet walking from the side:
Allowed File Types: mp4/mov | Max file size: 5MB